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  • Lisa Ralston

Connection - Prayer - Meditation - Listening Within

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

It's overwhelming in here!

When we begin to take the journey of personal development by connecting with the self through prayer, meditation, and deep listening it can be overwhelming. You may find a lot of feelings that you aren't sure you'd like to get in touch with. That is normal. It be best to learn to be comfortable being temporarily uncomfortable to create a more sustainable, genuine comfort for the long term. You're going to feel the heat if you want to get through the fire. When you close your eyes to go inside and stop distracting yourself with external vices and busy-ness, you are likely to find the opposite of, what you were maybe expecting to find, peace. Don't let this discourage you. You have been accumulating for years and have plenty to review, sort, clear, and reframe. If you are experiencing a lot of resistance, or a lot of chaos, on the inside you would be wise and courageous to be very still, remain slightly detached, and take an honest inventory of some of the clutter that comes into you when you do your best to not think. There can be a lot of feelings in there that have been waiting to be felt, to be processed, to morph and mold you. Those feelings are there for reasons. Those reasons include for you to be changed by them and for them to be released, diffused back to their own state of bliss and nothingness. Do not hoard feelings. Do not hold on to emotions. Do not put them in prison for you to use them to operate 'under-par' because of their being there. Do not accept to be a victim. Let them go. You are not your emotions. Your emotions guide you. Are you listening?

Let the emotion flow through you like a hurricane coming on shore, just hold on, hunker down, stop life for a minute, get the candles, crawl into bed, pray, and give thanks for all that you cherish and hold dear. This too will pass.

Let the emotion filter through you, burning and birthing along the way. Observe and go to work. Harvest what is ripe, plant fields in fertile soil, see new terrain for possibility and opportunity. She’s coming again, the continuous whip of the winds, nothing really ever stays the same any way. Why keep something alive that would rather die? Does it feed you? Does it protect you? Do you hold it dear? Does it make you who you are? What if that which you believe to be yours, was just passing through, what if you let it go on it’s way, like the winds do.

Commanding high up on a mountain top, seeing far past the now is an illusion and a set up for defeat. You must pay close attention to what the troops are needing and going to do in the present. The troops have to keep their socks dry, and they have to keep time. They may care that there is an obstacle ahead, but they have to take care of the here and now if they are ever going to see it, meet it, and surpass it. Make use of the vantage point of seeing from the mountain, yet don't loose sight of your functional focus.

What needs to be done now? Release the distortions of reality played out in your mind about the past and future. Be here now.

We are this thing that is more brilliant than anything that could attach to it.

Does that make me a yogi?

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